How is FurEver Home different from the rest?

There are lots of dog trainers who teach basic obedience and how to deal with behavioral issues but very few who teach you to understand what your dog is thinking and how to communicate with them in their language instead of ours. I’ll teach you how to read your dog so you understand what he / she is trying to tell you.

Did you know that if your dogs energy and excitement is above a 5 on a scale of 1-10 that they can barely hear you, much less obey you? Teaching a dog to sit, lay down, shake hands means nothing if your dogs energy is so out of balance that they are jumping on people, pulling on a leash, fearful, timid, nipping or disobedient in any way.

Does your dog trust you completely? Does your dog respect you and allow you to make all decisions? Most likely not or you would not be searching for a dog trainer.

Dogs are pack animals. They calm down and enjoy life so much more when they feel protected and trust you as their leader to make all the decisions. In the wild, pack pups don’t make decisions, they follow the leadership of the alpha pack leaders.

Our goal is to teach the humans how to be calm, assertive pack leaders who communicates with body language, love, respect and positive rewards and to teach your dog to trust you, respect you and be a peaceful member of the pack. Calm dogs that trust their pack leaders are very easy to train! Learn how to apply these gentle techniques and personalize them for your dogs’ specific needs and your lifestyle.


1ST VISIT IN CLIENT HOME: $249 Prepaid (90 minutes) Private lesson in client’s home. This service is available within city limits in Zip Codes: 80521, 80525, 80528, 80537, 80538, 80546, 80547, 80550.

1ST VISIT AT FUREVER HOME RANCH OR VIRTUALLY VIA VIDEO CHAT: $199 Prepaid (90 minutes) Private lesson at the FurEver Home Dog Ranch 2324 Kechter Road, Fort Collins, CO 80528. 1ST VISIT VIRTUALLY VIA VIDEO CHAT: $199 Prepaid (90 minutes) Virtual Video Dog Training Lesson. Jodi will text or email you a Google Meet video link. Please open the link from a cell phone or tablet so that we can move about as needed to work with you and your dog.


FOLLOW UP VISIT IN CLIENT HOME: Individual Sessions – $229 Prepaid (75 minutes) follow up training within city limits of zip codes 80521, 80525, 80528, 80537, 80538, 80546, 80547, 80550. Package Pricing – $799 Prepaid: 4 Session Package to be used within 8 weeks (Contact Jodi at 970-482-9000 if you need more time) 75 minutes follow up training within city limits of zip codes 80521, 80525, 80528, 80537, 80538, 80546, 80547, 80550

FOLLOW UP VISIT AT FUREVER HOME RANCH OR VIRTUALLY VIA VIDEO CHAT: Individual Sessions – $179 – 75 minutes follow up training at FurEver Home Ranch or virtually via Google Meet video chat. Package Pricing – $599 -4 Session Package (75 minutes) at FurEver Home Ranch or virtually via Google Meet video chat to be used within 8 weeks (Contact Jodi at 970-482-9000 if you need more time)

SOUNDS GOOD! I’m ready to get started. WHERE DO I BEGIN?

You can call Jodi at 970-482-9000 for a free mini phone consultation or jump right in and fill out the New Client Intake Form below. Once you fill out the form, please watch for an email from our staff. We will schedule a slot for you and email you the date and time along with an invoice to prepay for your session.

    Fields marked with * are required

    If you have additional pets, tell us about them below.

    Second Pet

    Third Pet

    Please check off all behaviors you would like help with:

    If possible, please attach pictures of you and your dogs or at least your dogs. It helps us remember the dogs in the future.

    Have you already spoken with Jodi (the trainer) on the phone?*

    LIABILITY WAIVER – Dog owners and anyone with them at any event and at any location are covered in this waiver and are 100% responsible for keeping their dogs, themselves and anyone with them safe at all times. Dog owners are responsible for bringing clean up bags and cleaning up after themselves or their pets at any events. All dogs must be kept on a short leash the entire time they are on FurEver Home Dog Training Ranch unless given permission to take them off leash in a secured fenced area with no other dogs around. We prefer dogs to be on leashes the entire time they are here even if it is a long leash when playing in the field. All dogs attending private lessons, group lessons, boarding or board and train must be current on all their vaccinations. Dogs must be healthy at all events; Owner understands that even with Bordetella (Kennel Cough) vaccination there is still a chance that the dog can contract kennel cough. This is common with any dog associating in areas where other dogs are or have been. All dogs must be flea and tick free. Female dogs in heat will not be allowed at any group sessions without specific permission. Dog owners will immediately inform Jodi Little, Furever Home Dog Training, Natural Health Resource & Training Center, Inc (here on out, referred to as NHRTC) or anyone affiliated with her of any situations that may provoke aggression in their dog(s) and be responsible for avoiding those situations. If your dog exhibits any aggression you may be asked to muzzle your dog if deemed necessary and may require one on one sessions and may not be allowed in group settings. Jodi Little, Furever Home Dog Training, (NHRTC) and her affiliates maintain the right to refuse service to any individual and any dog at their discretion. I hereby acknowledge and accept that dog training, dog’s playing and behavior modification work are not without risk to myself, members of my family, children, guests, my dog, and other animals. I hereby waive my rights to any claim against the Natural Health Resource & Training Center, Inc, Jodi Little, Furever Home Dog Training and anyone affiliated with her or her property and release them from any and all liability of any nature for injury or damage which I, my guests or my dog may incur. This includes without limitation any injury or damage resulting from the action of any dog, whether my own or somebody else’s and any wildlife on the property. I expressly assume the risk of any such damage or injury while my dog (s) or I are attending any playgroup, training session, boarding, function or event, wherever the activity takes place. (including claims by me, any member of my family, or any other person accompanying me to any session, arising out of any action by any dog (or any person) whether my own dog or somebody else’s. This is including without limitation responsibility for all damages, expenses, and legal fees. If the dog owner will be bringing guests or children to any event, they will be responsible for their care, safety, and appropriate supervision, and agrees to hold Jodi Little, Furever Home Dog Training, (NHRTC) or anyone affiliated with her harmless and assume the risk of any damage and/or injury that may be incurred. I have read this liability waiver and by checking the box I am signing and agree to abide by this Liability Waiver.